REF: 26713

smoke chandelier

Chandeliers have been present in decoration for a long time, they were synonymous with status. Only the noblest could have chandeliers in their residence, remembering that lighting was through gas and candles. There were huge pieces, three meters high! The years have passed and the chandelier is still very sought after to compose the decor, especially the classic and contemporary ones. The Smoked Chandelier is an elegant and sophisticated piece that looks perfect in the dining room or even in an entrance hall!

30% Esgotado

De: R$4.797,00

Special Price R$3.357,90

Ou 10x de R$335,79 no cartão
7% de desconto no boleto
7% de desconto no PIX
smoke chandelier

De: R$4.797,00

Special Price R$3.357,90

Ou 10x de R$335,79 no cartão
7% de desconto no boleto
7% de desconto no PIX
Formas de Parcelamento
  • Pague com Visa
  • Pague com Mastercard
  • Pague com Amex
  • Pague com Diners
  • Pague com Elo
  • Pague com Hipercard
  • Pague com Boleto
  • 1x de R$3.357,90 sem juros
  • 2x de R$1.678,95 sem juros
  • 3x de R$1.119,30 sem juros
  • 4x de R$839,48 sem juros
  • 5x de R$671,58 sem juros
  • 6x de R$559,65 sem juros
  • 7x de R$479,70 sem juros
  • 8x de R$419,74 sem juros
  • 9x de R$373,10 sem juros
  • 10x de R$335,79 sem juros

Chandeliers have been present in decoration for a long time, they were synonymous with status. Only the noblest could have chandeliers in their residence, remembering that lighting was through gas and candles. There were huge pieces, three meters high! The years have passed and the chandelier is still very sought after to compose the decor, especially the classic and contemporary ones. The Smoked Chandelier is an elegant and sophisticated piece that looks perfect in the dining room or even in an entrance hall!

Altura: 95 cm

Comprimento: 75 cm

Largura: 75 cm

Peso: 18.5 Kg

Código 26713
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