REF: 24188

Qing Dynasty VII Decorative Resin Sculpture

The Qing Dynasty VII Decorative Resin Sculpture is the perfect piece to compose a contemporary decoration, where the intention is to bring a little bit of oriental history.


De: R$198,00

Special Price R$118,80

Ou 10x de R$11,88 no cartão
7% de desconto no boleto
7% de desconto no PIX
Qing Dynasty VII Decorative Resin Sculpture

De: R$198,00

Special Price R$118,80

Ou 10x de R$11,88 no cartão
7% de desconto no boleto
7% de desconto no PIX
Formas de Parcelamento
  • Pague com Visa
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  • Pague com Boleto
  • 1x de R$118,80 sem juros
  • 2x de R$59,40 sem juros
  • 3x de R$39,60 sem juros
  • 4x de R$29,70 sem juros
  • 5x de R$23,76 sem juros
  • 6x de R$19,80 sem juros
  • 7x de R$16,97 sem juros
  • 8x de R$14,85 sem juros
  • 9x de R$13,20 sem juros
  • 10x de R$11,88 sem juros

China was ruled by several dynasties. The first to Qin and the last to Qing (Manchu). This last dynasty was established between 1641 and 1912, when the last emperor abdicated power and the Chinese Republic was proclaimed.

Through the Qing Dynasty VII Decorative Resin Sculpture, it is possible to obtain the entire history of the Chinese dynasties in the decoration, since the Qing dynasty absorbed the culture of all previous dynasties. Perfect piece to compose a contemporary decor, where the intention is to bring a little bit of oriental history.

Decorative sculpture made of resin.

Altura: 37 cm

Comprimento: 16 cm

Largura: 13 cm

Peso: 0.9 Kg

Código 24188

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Material Resina
Modelo Pessoas
Garantia 6

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